#Dynamic #OpenBIM #Community

Easily enhance your Archicad experience by using parametric design tools created by and for the end user community to automate tasks.

" If you don't like it, don't buy it but make sure you try it. "


airc.market is part of airc.world llp

''CloudTool has massively improved my cloud-to-BIM workflow in Archicad. Importing point clouds and creating accurate 3D models used to be a major pain point, but now the process is incredibly fast and efficient. The ability to control the origin is one of the greatest hidden features that CloudTool revealed. This tool is a must-have for anyone serious about streamlining their 3D modeling work based on point clouds.''

Claudiu IANCIC, Architect, Romania.

#ready for you

002.Point Cloud Management by airc.digital

004.Billboard Tool by airc.digital

008.Centroid Slab Accessory by airc.digital

012.U-Value Tool by airc.digital

#in development

001.Complex Profile Extrusion by airc.digital

003.Accurate Setting-Out by airc.digital

005.Profiled Poly by airc.digital

006.Easy 3D Arrow by airc.digital

007.Solar Path Tool by airc.digital and R. Corona

009.Brick Tool by airc.digital

010.Image Keynote by airc.digital